Friday, December 30, 2016

The history of Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary.

Two simple little words, yet they are so full of meaning. This short post is going to help sort out Bloody Mary the child’s game and urban legend from the real-life demonic force behind this story. “Mary Worth” and “Bloody Mary” came from a slight mix up of characters from history. Mary I, Queen of England, or Mary Tudor, who reigned during the Tudor period, was also commonly known as “Bloody Mary”. Her nickname of “Bloody Mary” became attached to her when she violently executed and burnt people at the stake for heresy throughout her 5-year reign as Queen of England.
She also was unable to have children and suffered two phantom pregnancies; this is why it is speculated that the variation involving chanting “I stole your baby” became tangled up with the legend.

There is another suggestion that the name “Mary Worth” was derived from a victim of the Salem Witch trials.

However like most things that we are unable to handle mankind uses a story to convey bits of truth and as time passes these stories get stretched a bit further with each telling. So here’s the real story of Bloody Mary.

First of all the name isn’t Mary it is Merihim a demon. A small cult worshiped this demon in hopes of warding off a pandemic of disease. This cult tried to force Merihim to manifest by performing a raja-tama enriched ceremony that required mirrors, candles goat blood, and a chant I will not list here. The ritual was nearly completed when Merihim awoke and if you know anything about demons they only like to manifest of their own accord. Merihim began lashing out with a plague hitting the cult members one by one till they died in pulls of their own blood filled vomit. The “high priest” saw what was going on and used a stone to shatter the center mirror right before the ceremony was complete forever allowing Meriham to partially manifest from inside any mirror of his choice but unable to self-manifest until somebody completes the ceremony.

So over the years it went from Merihim to bloody Merihim and finally bloody Mary.

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