Friday, December 30, 2016

EWW What’s That Smell? It’s a Ghost

Ghost’s can “haunt” a location in many ways and today I’m going to talk about how they do it with smells.

Have you ever walked into a room and something just didn’t smell right and no I’m not talking about the smell your tennis shoes are giving off? What I mean is have you ever had one of those moments where you swore you smelt your mom’s famous homemade bread or the smell of a cigar your grand father would smoke? If you have there is a good chance that those smells were a sign of a visiting from the family member you associate it with from the “great beyond.”

Smell is the easiest thing for a ghost to manipulate and drains them of the least amount of energy. The average ghost is able to manipulate smell about five years after death because by then they’ve accumulated enough energy from the environment.

So the next time you have one of these smell experience call out the person's name you associate it with and who knows they may answer you

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