Friday, December 30, 2016

Mystery Hill haunted location

Approximately forty miles north of the city of Boston, Mass and about twenty-five miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean, is the greatest, and oldest, megalithic mysterious location in North America. Mystery Hill, also known as “America’s Stonehenge”.

Among the main things that stand out at Mystery Hill is a gigantic flat rock, like a great table, residing above the ground on four legs. Around the edge of the stone table is a channel that runs to a spout.

 This large rock slab is called the “Sacrificial Stone” and it sure enough, served that specified a function. The channel allowed for the blood of the human sacrifice to drain off the top.
Beneath the Sacrificial Stone is an eight-foot long shaft that leads to a below ground chamber. A priest was placed in the chamber to capture the blood for their God Baal . This place is haunted by hundreds of spirits of men and women who have been sacrificed here by the Phoenician’s from around 780 B.C. to around 642 B.C. Most spirits here are harmless because they were willing sacrifices to Baal and have no desire to have any contact with the living world, in fact, they go out of their way to convince themselves that we are all part of their imagination.

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