Friday, December 30, 2016

Ghost Hunters look to assist in missing person case

Here’s some weird but cool news a group of ghost hunters called the Bangor Ghost hunters have volunteered to assist in the search for a woman missing since 1986.

Kimberly Ann Moreau disappeared May 9, 1986 after going out for the night with her friends. Her family never gave up hope and have spent almost 2 and a half decades searching for answers as to what happened to Kimberly. I spent about an hour trying to get a read on the situation with my gift and it’s a bit hazy because I wasn’t able to reach her spirit directly. I do know she did die a violent death because the amount of pain I feel when trying to get a read. It was somebody a little older I feel and I see the name Darryl (not sure why may be a person or street)  I see an ugly 3 story building next to a smaller one story building with a weird roof like 3 tabs. There’s like an alleyway between the two building and I can see like a giant smoke stack or something nearby. This is where she was assaulted in the passenger seat of a white Monte Carlo with a bad dash/ignition  and bad glove box and two non matching seat covers.

She screams something I can’t totally hear (not sure why but I think I hear her say something then foreigners) and is being choked after he has killed her here he took her to a really woody area. I can’t tell exactly but I see tree’s and think skiing. He sets her body on fire and has this look of being an arsonist or something because he looked like he was in love with the flames. After a wile he buried all traces under the largest tree in a cluster of trees she’s only about a foot under the earth. This is what I feel but since I have no solid proof I will not contact the police because I’ve heard they discourage people with my type of gift from helping them.

So if you have any solid proof or information please contact the Bangor Ghost Hunters for inquiries or call 1-207-659-4053

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