Friday, December 30, 2016

The ghosts of Japan's tsunami

It has been over one year since the horrific tsunami in Japan. It doesn't surprise me that there have been many reports of people seeing ghosts in the areas most affected by that gigantic wave of water after all more than 19,000 people lost their lives in that natural disaster. is much like the ghosts that haunt Ground Zero at the World Trade Center in New York after 9/11 because when that many people lose their lives many of them will still have something tying them to this world. Perhaps, one day I will be able to go to Japan and witness this mass hunting paranormal phenomenon but until then I must rely on other people who happen to have visited the still damaged cities of Japan from what I have heard what's going on in Japan one year after the tsunami as well and about the area is there had been a few thousand reported sightings in the last 12 months.

As with any area with mass death in order to get rid of the haunting phenomena of the area, there must be a cleansing ritual performed to allow for these trapped spirits to move on to the afterlife as opposed to being trapped here on earth for who knows how long until there Spirit is granted a release.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who were affected by the tsunami and those who actually experience the earthquake because many of these people lost everything that day including loved ones who passed to the great beyond or are walking this earth as ghosts.

If you'd like more information about vehicles that are currently more in the streets in Japan or if you just want to make a general comment about the tsunami, earthquake or even just the paranormal in general feel free to comment below and we will attempt to answer any of your questions especially those about the ghost hunting the tsunami area affected cities.

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