Friday, December 30, 2016

The Birdcage Theatre

The Birdcage Theatre is a really interesting location in the “Town too tough to die” with documented 26 murders and there are 145 documented bullet holes. This was the happening place back in the 1800’s with all night faro games, bluff poker and exotic ladies who loved to show the men a good time.

If you have the gift of “sight” this probably isn’t the place for you as even though it may just be a not so crowded museum for the living on any given night this place is packed with nearly 100 or so ghosts looking to recreate past events and have a bit of fun. I remember when I visited The Birdcage I nearly ran out screaming not realizing that the guys shooting guns were actually the ghosts of Curly Bill and Doc Holliday and they were just having a handkerchief fight. Now I probably looked like a complete nut job but this was way before I learned I had the gift of sight and how to control it.

When you first enter the room of the Birdcage with the stage most people are actually greeted by the ghost of Morgan Earp. He’s a real friendly guy however he seems to be a bit over protective of a particular pool table found inside the room.  On some nights you’ll actually see the entire Earp clan and on those nights you can feel the detest 99% of the towns folk feel for them.

If you're wondering why this place is so haunted, in my opinion, it is because it contains so many objects that these people were fond of in the past plus it has one of the main hearse coaches used to take a lot of these people to their graves on Boothill.

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