f you would ever encounter an actual orb then you would have just come into contact with an interdimensional vehicle for the soul. These orbs were known to the Egyptians as “sun boats” and even spoken of in the Bible being referred to in the Old Testament has “Merkabah”. In fact, if you recall in (2 Kings 2:1) when Elijah is taken to heaven by a chariot of fire this reference is actually a perfect example of a true orb. Orbs, after all, are how a soul gets around the earthly dimension once it’s physical, maternal life has ended.orbs-real
Real orbs can not only be seen they can be heard as well. The sound a make is a super high tone that is almost like a squeal inside of the head. While you may not hear it when you see an orb any audio playback should easily reveal an orbs sound.
Orbs are able to assume many appearances including globes, globules, balls of light and even hovering round fiery balls. The range of their illumination varies depending on spiritual strength but they tend to either be bright glowing like fire or dull and even gray.
They always tend to appear approximately eye level and are erratic in their movement. If you were to videotape one they would clearly do things which an ordinary piece of dust or ambient light could not easily replicate.
In my lifetime I’ve probably looked at a few thousand hours of video and nearly a million or so photographs of what people thought were actual orbs and I can honestly say I can count on two hands the amount of times an actual orb phenomenon has actually been presented to me. With that in mind when you’re out on a ghost hunt make sure that you’ve taken the time to debunk any other possibility before you claim an object is a true orb.
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